How does Business Consulting Work?

Business Consulting

How does Business Consulting Work?

The ZiBiz Business Consultant works with the business owner and their team to progress through the four phases of the consulting process.


Discovery Phase

The consultant develops an in depth understanding about the owner’s business. This may involve touring the premises, meeting with directors and staff, reading company materials and exploring the business vision and mission.

Business Analysis and Design Phase

The consultant identifies where changes are needed and proposes specific solutions. This may involve performing a SWOT analysis, conducting a systems audit and reviewing the business strategic objectives. The proposed solutions may involve mapping out new strategies, designing new business models and highlighting system gaps.

Planning Phase

Once a way forward has been agreed, the consultant devises a concrete project plan and a change management plan.

Implementation Phase

The consultant assists with the execution, monitoring and management of the project. This may involve documenting, building and testing new business systems, upgrading or automating existing systems, training and mentoring staff, and championing other changes and developments in pursuit of the project objectives. The consultant is also able to source additional resources where required to successfully complete the project.